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Single-Computer Plans

We have two plans designed to allow you to back up files from a single computer.
  • Introductory Plan

    The Introductory plan allows you to store up to 1/2 GigaByte (500 Megabytes) of backup files.  It is great for home use or for just "trying out" our service.

  • Basic Plan

    The Advanced, Single Computer plan allows you to store up to 2 GigaByte (2,000 Megabytes) of backup files.  It is great for home-office or small businesses with a single computer.

Advanced (Multi-Computer) Plans

Multiple Computer plans allow you to backup files from more than one computer.  These computers can be on the same network, or they can even be in two physical locations.  Many people use these plans to backup files from both office and home computers, or from multiple computers in the same office.

If you need to restore a file, you can restore to any computer.  This means you can restore a file created at the office to your home computer at any time.

These plans are based on the total amount of space taken up by your backup files from all computers combined.

Subscription Plan Pricing

Single-Computer Plans

  • Introductory Plan $9.95
    (Single Computer, up to 500 MB)
  • Basic Plan $19.95
    (Single Computer up to 2 GB)

Multi-Computer Plans

  • Up to 5 GB $29.95
  • Up to 10 GB $49.95
  • Up to 25 GB $99.95
  • Up to 35 GB $129.95
  • Up to 50 GB $149.95
  • (All allow backup from multiple computers)

All prices shown are monthly.

For additional savings, you can purchase an annual plan and receive 10% off the monthly fee.

Plan pricing is based on the total space used on the backup servers (after file compression), and the total of all redundant stored copies.  Check with us for ways to estimate your usage.

If you need more that 50GB of storage, please contact us for a custom quote.

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