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Easy to Use!


Automated Backup of your important files performed regularly (daily, weekly, even hourly).You can focus on your business, not your computer.
Files are stored off-site on our high-speed secure servers.No risk of loss or damage do to fire, theft, or other site-based problem.
Files are encrypted with your password before transmitting to remote site.Your files are safe and cannot be "intercepted" during transmission or at the remote site.
Backup process is entirely software and Internet-based. No need for expensive hardware, programs, or tapes, DATs, CDs, DVDs, etc.
Store several versions of your remote files (you decide how many). If your file was corrupted on Tuesday, but you did not notice it until Thursday, you can still go back and get a previous working file from Monday (normally, saving a bad file over a good one destroys the good one).
Easy to setup and use. No long learning process.
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