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  • What if your computer CRASHED right now?
  • What would you do if your laptop was STOLEN?
  • What if your office was damaged by FIRE or FLOOD?
  • What if you accidentally DELETED an important file?

How would you recover your critical business and financial records?  Your email?  Your digital photos?

Backing up computer files has always been easier than backing up traditional paper documents, but most of us still don't do it.
At least we don't do it regularly and completely.

Introducing InnoBack

Safe, Reliable, Automatic and Off-Site Backup for Your Important Files!

Backing up your important files has never been easier!  After a quick and easy initial setup, InnoBack will automatically backup all your designated files, securing them with your own encryption key, and safely transmitting them to our secure Backup Servers.  Your backups are automatically kept up-to-date, secure, and off-site; always available for an easy restore.

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